Pe 28 decembrie 1989, un avion TAROM care decolase de la Bucureşti cu destinaţia Belgrad s-a prăbuşit într-o pădure din Dâmboviţa. O nouă expertiză nu a putut fi efectuată în 1999, la cererea procurorului, iar martorii spun că aeronava a fost doborâtă de o rachetă.
This article discusses the mysterious crash of a Tarom passenger plane on December 28, 1989, in Romania. While the official cause is unknown, witnesses claim the plane was shot down by a missile, citing a deafening explosion and the plane's disintegration upon impact.
The crash occurred amidst the Romanian Revolution and the plane, carrying seven passengers and medical supplies, was authorized by Ion Iliescu's FSN. A later planned investigation was not carried out.
This article discusses the mysterious crash of a Tarom passenger plane on December 28, 1989, in Romania. While the official cause is unknown, witnesses claim the plane was shot down by a missile, citing a deafening explosion and the plane's disintegration upon impact. The crash occurred amidst the Romanian Revolution and the plane, carrying seven passengers and medical supplies, was authorized by Ion Iliescu's FSN. A later planned investigation was not carried out.